Sometimes customers find me on the internet after a Google search. Several weeks ago, the owner of an estate home in Orange, VA stopped by the shop after such a search. She had a framed wood sign that was about twenty years old in need of repair or replacement. After taking a look at the sign in my shop, I was able to determine that her best bet was restoration. The sign was well-constructed. It had moisture damage in the lower framing members and some of the sign panel was delaminating near the same spot. A few hours of sanding and filling, and then a few hours of priming, painting and re-lettering would offer her a 66% cost savings over a total replacement. After a short discussion, she opted for sign maintenance.
Here are some photos of the sign from before, during, and after the restoration. The original sign used cut vinyl lettering, so I replaced the lettering using the same material. I could not find vector clip art for the ornamental divider on the original sign, but the customer was not super-particular about perfectly matching the divider, so I used clip art for a similar type design.
The process of sanding, repainting, and re-lettering takes about a week to a week and a half depending on temperature and humidity during the process. In addition to that, I always have to add another week or week and a half to find a spot in my schedule to start the work. So, in this case, the project took about two to three weeks to complete.

If you have a farm sign, estate sign, church sign, park sign, business sign in need of restoration or replacement, contact Mark Hackley at Augusta Sign Company!! 540-943-9818.