“The sign looks great! I appreciate the trouble free install. We’ve heard several compliments both from staff and clients,” Bryan Beamer, DVM

Trouble-free main entry signs are becoming our specialty go-to sign design option for many businesses. These signs are very simple, constructed of two upright aluminum posts with horizontal cross beams on which we mount the main sign panels. We have used them for a variety of business marketing applications for churches, apartment complexes, office parks, and medical facilities, but see endless applications in our market area of Virginia.

If a customer has a budget under about $5,000 and needs a long-lasting, low-maintenance exterior identification sign, then this is a great option to consider. We have provided many one-sided options for less than $3,500 which includes: design, manufacture, and installation. The customer can choose to illuminate the signs at a later date or leave them un-lit. Many of the times, the customer will construct nice landscaping beds or planters below the signs to dress them up and protect them from lawncare equipment.

The beauty of these main entrance signs is their simplicity and opportunity for customization. We have attached aluminum compostite (ACM) panels to them, as well as sandblasted and carved cedar panels. All three materials make for long-lasting minimal-maintenance signage. We use 1/4″ thick ACM panels and dress them with printed 3M vinyl film which generally lasts 5-10 years before the weather begins to degrade the sign’s coloring and overall appearance. When the signs fade, they are easily replaced or recovered for another 5-10 years of service. The post and frame system is finished with a durable powder-coat finish and will last many years before required maintenance.

Customers who choose cedar panels for the signs can expect a similar 5-10 maintenance period, but the actual cedar boards will last a lifetime as they are naturally insect and rot resistant. Augusta Sign Company can offer turnkey service for a company’s main entrance sign offering permitting services, manufacture, installation, and periodic maintenance and replacement services.
Contact Mark Hackley at 540-943-9818 for more information.