How much do signs cost in Augusta County, Virginia or Rockbridge County Virginia?

It depends. Are you looking for a banner? They can run anywhere from about $2.50 to $10.00 a square foot depending what you want. I once did a series of mural banners for an Augusta County, VA food expo with a Mardis Gras theme that featured full-size pictorials of downtown New Orleans. Those two banners cost thousands of dollars. But I just did a 32 square foot banner for a church that was $240.00 installed.
Maybe you’re in the market for a sand carved redwood sign with gold leaf letters? If that’s the case, it all depends on the design, the type and thickness of material (usually cedar or redwood), the amount of gold leaf, the intricacy of detail, the colors, the overall size, the number of sides, the height above ground, the difficulty in securing a permit, and the list goes on! As you can see pricing signs in Augusta County, VA takes in many factors. We just did 2 sets of repainted redwood signs for a City in Augusta for around $2,500 a set. And they really look great!
If you are wanting a free-standing sign for your store or office, how many posts does it have? What is the material? Is it solid aluminum or some sort of ACM? Are the posts made of steel, extruded aluminum, treated wood, solid cedar? How will it be lit, or isn’t it? Is it one-sided or two? How long do you want it to last? Most sign companies in Waynesboro, VA probably have good-better-best options and therefore a range of prices accordingly.
How much does a sign cost around Staunton, Waynesboro, and Augusta County? Give us a call or e-mail, and we will let you know!!
See Our Services Described Here
Mark Hackley
Owner of Augusta Sign Company
PO Box 519, Waynesboro, VA 22980 540-943-9818